Friday, February 12, 2010


Reds, 1981, starring Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton, Jack Nicholson, et al.

Marc Horton Plot Synopsis
: Restless American progressive wants to write about important stuff. Ends up in revolutionary Russia. There's some suggestion that neither Americans nor Ruskies would understand freedom (of speech, particularly) if it bit them in the ass. And a mediocre love story. And some dubious reminiscing by people who knew Reed. Beatty won a golden trinket as Best Director, but the film lost to Chariots of Fire as Best Picture.

Politically Incorrect Movie Review: A wannabe epic with pretenses of Dr. Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia and, hell, every David Lean movie ever made, written by, directed by, and starring a big-time Hollywood star who had the clout to get a movie made about a glorified labour organizer who got tangled up with the Bolsheviks.

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